unique venues - music - art - good energy
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Katarze // Samsara
18 / 09 / 21
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What is katarze
The energy behind Katarze comes from different parts of the globe. But with the same inspiration, love and respect for the techno culture. We feel and see the sweet melody when music and art are both aligned.

Blending the dark and deep roots of the German, Hamburg vibe with the flare and spice of Miami. A sweet escape.

Katharsis in greek, means “purification” or “cleansing” or “clarification”; referred to the purification and purgation of emotions.
Next event
Katarze // Samsara
Play teaser
18 / 09 / 21
21.00 - 9.00
Gabriel Loci
Katarze // Samsara – the concept of rebirth and death, defined with constant wandering and the cyclic quality of life.

The only way of escape is true recognition of being in the present and taking in every moment of reality. And just then -- the purity sense of living submerges with the emotions of deliverance, happiness and nirvána.

Explore with us a course of mundane existence through music and be ready to let go. Escape the everyday routine, reconnect with your senses and enjoy our after-covid resurrection.